The Power of ‘In the Moment’ Teaching

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The Power of ‘In the Moment’ Teaching

A setting with teachers able to embrace ‘in the moment’ teaching will…

  • Naturally experience more learning opportunities throughout the day.
  • Learn more and more about the children in their care, allowing more tailored approaches.
  • Understand how to recognise when your involvement might be interacting or interfering with the children.

Watch the video to learn more about the theory and practice of ‘in the moment’ teaching….

Now you have learned what ‘in the moment’ teaching is all about, how can you help your children to experience more relatable and powerful learning moments in your setting?

Try the GIST – good ideas for starting things…

  1. It all steps from relationships, what can you do today to improve your relationship with a child you haven’t been able to connect with yet?
  2. Think about a child you do have a really good connection with, consider why is that? Then try to replicate what led to that solid relationship with other children too.

Want to learn more?

  1. Read the related ‘In the moment planning’ book by Anna Ephgrave – she does do workshops too!
  2. Still want to read more? Explore ‘Interacting or Interfering’ by Julie Fisher.